Diversity at GSSS

Diversity at GSSS means attracting and admitting the best and brightest young people regardless of race, gender, Socio economic class, religion that they have the opportunity and support to succeed at GSSS. It is our strong belief that diversity is everyone’s concern and is in everyone’s best interest beginning in the Nursery division, and continuing through the upper Division.

Across all divisions, diversity is integral to the daily life of the school. The school administration is committed to furthering equity and justice in our school community by fostering active participation, encouraging open communication, and supporting meaning and purposeful diversity initiatives for all members of all community.

There are many co-curricular activities dedicated to educating and supporting their students while extending that education to the entire community. They help students understand how vital it is to move beyond a mere tolerance of “Otherness” , to an active appreciation of a diverse community. GSSS ians learn to have a deep regard for Indian traditions and culture, appreciate diverse faiths and beliefs and celebrate all major festivals with equal fervor.

Workshops are also offered for Parents to help them explore ways to promote Unity.

Our school prayer is a perfect example to show our strong UNITY IN DIVERSITY belief that is everyone’s concern.