Holistic & Comprehensive

In keeping with Global Sr. Sec. School promise of comprehensive and holistic education through a developmental approach, modern methodologies are employed to enable learning.

These methodologies are a departure from the traditional rote learning that is imparted in most schools. While the syllabus for each grade is structured, teachers have the autonomy and flexibility to design the curriculum. The Curriculum Coordinator assists and supports teachers in the choice of materials and methodology. It is also the former’s responsibility to shape and integrate online-offline learning, as well as the formal and informal curriculum.

Development of Multiple Intelligences

We believe that intelligence is not a single phenomenon of the human mind. To typecast all humans on a single general intelligence quotient has largely been responsible for an urgency to cram and score high marks. Human intellectual competencies are broadly divided into multiple intelligences. As such, the curriculum at GSSS has been specifically designed to enable each and every student to hone his/her respective intelligences:-

Linguistic Intelligence

Developed through creative writing, poetry, foreign languages, communication skills, public speaking and audio-visual room.


Musical Intelligence

Through developing a “tonal mind” by learning and composing classical and contemporary music.

Spatial Intelligence

Photography, sculpture, painting and drawing enables students to develop a sense of space, mental imagery and the ability to think and express visually and creatively.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

By developing the “language of the body” and bodily skills through dance, theatre-in-education, sports and athletics.

Logical Mathematical Intelligence

Through Maths and Science Labs with Biotechnology being integrated in the curriculum and Commercial Designing.

Interpersonal Social Intelligence

Capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others.

Intrapersonal intuitive Intelligence

Capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes.

Naturalist Intelligence

Ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature

Student Centric Learning

Focus on teacher-centric instruction reduces students to passive recipients of knowledge. Traditional teaching is a one-way street, where teachers teach and students learn by rote. Hence, we create an environment in which students are systematically encouraged to continually seek their own learning. Our teachers play the role of “facilitators”.

Project-Based Learning

Students are assigned individual projects in their areas of specific intelligence to develop and hone their skills and respective intelligences.

Creativity-Centered Learning

Apart from regular learning in all disciplines, the School provides Computer Clubs for creative learning. Students are given the opportunity to acquire digital fluency and are encouraged to go beyond accessing information. Computers are used to learn and develop multimedia skills like producing music, videos, animation and robotics. At GSSS, we provide a state-of-the-art media centre that enables students to fully discover their creative potential.

Citizenship Learning

Given the rising demands and needs of a rapidly changing global community, knowledge and skills for responsible citizenship at the local, state, national and global level becomes important. The School’s citizenship curriculum has evolved through a new concept of multidimensional citizenship education, whereby both the School and the community interface as partners.

Such learning inspires young people to reflect on, and become actively involved in making a better world, not as an incidental subject matter, but as the primary focus of their educational experience. Students thus understand more clearly, what citizenship means, and feel ready to make significant contribution for humankind in a sustainable environment. With these clear objectives, Global Sr. Sec. School will, through education, provide a basis for making the ideals of global citizenship a reality.

Use of IC Technology for Effective Teaching and Learning

Extensive use of Wikis, blogs, pod casting, web casting, digital modelling, Educational capsules, E-books, tailor-made educational software, Artificial Intelligence based Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), etc to enable students and teachers in becoming creative, independent and lifelong learners.