Overall Development

GSSS regularly holds workshops on various aspects of school education led by both GSSS staff and by guest speakers and experts. The school lead workshops for teachers as well as students for a wide range of subjects, social issues, life skills, adolescence programs, team building, communication, gender equality, communal harmony, and violence.

During the workshops, the participating teachers or students get an opportunity to interact with other students from the formal and non-formal stream of education. Such opportunities help the teachers to practice the skills they have acquired during the workshop. Sometimes, the students come to the venue of the Workshop and at other times, the teachers are taken to schools or other institutions.

An evaluation is conducted after each workshop to gauge the comprehension of the teachers and students to test their grasp of the knowledge gained. This regular feedback after the training helps in developing approaches and methodologies to improve the training techniques.

GSSS organizes workshops and seminars related to specific themes for in-service teachers of primary, middle, secondary and senior secondary schools from all parts of the country. Through these Workshops, teachers are introduced to innovative methods in classroom teaching that encourage creativity and sensitivity in the child. These Workshops help teachers to achieve an integrated approach to education and provide methodologies of a cultural input in curriculum teaching.

Workshop on ‘Personality Development’

A workshop on ‘PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT’ was conducted on 28th May for all teachers by Dr. Poonam Devdutt, Clinical Psychologist & Human Resource Expert.

Positive habits for personal effectiveness & Time Management were taught and practiced. A power point presentation for personality types and development was shown and corresponding exercises in the form of preparing their dream-charts were performed. Teachers Responses to situations were very enthusiastic.

This one-day workshop definitely made a deep impact on the teachers, some of whom said that the experiences in this camp had changed their outlook towards life.

It was an extremely interactive workshop and the teachers found it very informative and practical. The basic concept of this workshop is to develop greater self-confidence, self-reliance, interpersonal skills as well as a sense of responsibility for self as well as others. The workshop offers the teachers an opportunity to participate in a series of exciting activities involving mental, physical and emotional challenges. Some of the activities are Mind Games, which enhance their skills in the areas of leadership, motivation, teamwork, courage and communication.

Addressing the teachers the mentor Mr.Vishal Jain said, “You can be what you want to be! Remember always, that the law of attraction works. So steadily believe and achieve whatever you want in life.”


A Training Session for New Students & Teachers at GSSS

There was a training session organized on 19th April in the afternoon hours for the new students as well as teachers to make them aware of the CCE System. The experienced faculty members of the institution like Mrs. Indra Chauhan, Mrs. Neena Pandey, Mrs. Raveena, Mrs. Swati Paul, Ms. Swati Tyagi gave a detailed description of the Formative Assessments conducted in the school and made them aware of the unique ideas and methods of conducting those F.As.

It was overwhelming to see the excitement of the new students while knowing the different ways in which they can appear in their tests through various F.As and show their hidden talents and skills. The students were also astonished to see the variety of F.As for different subjects. It was truely an enriching and fruitful experience for the trainers as well as learners.

Workshop of MSSC at GSSS

    A workshop was organized by the Meerut Sahodaya Schools Complex in the premise of GSSS. The agenda of the workshop was as under:
  • Discussion on the list of holidays for the session 2011-12
  • Review of Circular No. 10, 12 & 14
  • Introduction of New Software of CBSE
  • Grade Promotion Policy

The meeting was attended by all the Principals of CBSE/ICSE Schools in and around Meerut. The workshop was presided over by a panel of eminent educationists comprising the Chairman MSSC, Mr. Ashok Thakur, Vice-Chairman MSSC, Mr. A. N. Sharma, Secretary MSSC, Mr. Vishal Jain, Joint Secretary MSSC, Ms. Rita Sirohi &the Treasurer, Mrs. Harjinder Kaur. This panel along with the expertise of Mr. Prem Mehta, Mr. H.M. Raut, Col.(Retd.) Jakher resolved many queries asked by the representatives and heads of various schools.

The agenda was presented through a power point presentation which made the concepts more clear to everyone. The workshop proved to be very successful and the MSSC has planned to go for more workshops with teachers, parents and students too in the coming future.

Workshop for English Teachers

A workshop was organized by Longman Publishing House for the English faculty at GSSS where the latest methods of imparting the skills of English language were discussed. It was really a learning experience for all the teachers.

Workshop from Everonn at GSSS

NVP has introduced another Smart Class System for the students by ‘Everonn Education Limited’ to make the teaching learning process more techno-savvy.

Today, the academic councellor from Everonn, Mr. Vipul Jain conducted a workshop to train the GSSS staff members about using the smart class in their regular classes. We hope and wish that this new system of e-learning makes the education process more interesting and easy to learn for the students.

Workshop for Bright Careers

On 2nd Dec’ J.P. Institute of Technologies organized a workshop in G.S.S.S guiding the students of class XII about their future and career options. Mr. B.C.Sharma (director) J.P Institute. along with his team gave all the important information about B.Tech programme as well as IIHM programme which is successfully running in their institute.

All the students got to know about the courses available in their campus, hostel facilities, infrastructure of the institute as well as campus placements which they can get after completing the course.

Overall it was a good experience and oppurtunity for all the XII class students to explore more about what they can do after thier boards.